Keynote Venetian 1 & 2
Aug 01, 2019 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM(America/Chicago)
20190801T0930 20190801T1030 America/Chicago Keynote Address - So an Airline Pilot, a Urologist & an IT Technologist Walk Into a Bar: Thinking Like a Professional

It's no joke. The IT industry is undergoing a maelstrom of change: ever-increasing data volumes, horrendous security incursions, the promise/threat of cloud-based computing, and a gradual loss of its most talented people through age-based attrition. What's needed more than ever is a revival of professionalism within our ranks, and it's time for us to rise up as a community to strive towards that goal. Seriously, if you're just doing your job and are perfectly satisfied with your status in the IT industry, please don't come to this presentation.

Venetian 1 & 2 NCOAUG Training Day 2019
20 attendees saved this session

It's no joke. The IT industry is undergoing a maelstrom of change: ever-increasing data volumes, horrendous security incursions, the promise/threat of cloud-based computing, and a gradual loss of its most talented people through age-based attrition. What's needed more than ever is a revival of professionalism within our ranks, and it's time for us to rise up as a community to strive towards that goal. Seriously, if you're just doing your job and are perfectly satisfied with your status in the IT industry, please don't come to this presentation.

Senior Enterprise Data Architect
Viscosity North America
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